Mexican Crockpot Chicken Quesadillas


You know those days you just don’t have time to make dinner?  Or those days when you don’t feel like cooking?  Or are you one of my friends that hates to cook?  Then people this is the recipe for you!  It tastes fantastic, is so easy it shouldn’t even count as “cooking”, it’s healthy and your house will smell fabulous all day.  I made it yesterday for Dinner and when Brian walked in the house he asked if we were having tacos for dinner.  You can use the mexican mixture a lot of different ways.  Last night Bill had it on rice, I had it as a soft taco on a tortilla and Brian had it on a hard taco shell.  Today, I made a quick-lunch for Bill and I using the leftover chicken mixture as a base for some fantastic quesadillas.  Looking at this photo now, I could have another.  Look at that melted cheese…..yummy!   Enjoy 🙂  Continue reading Mexican Crockpot Chicken Quesadillas

Sausage and Beans One Dish Dinner


This is a great weeknight one dish dinner.  The recipe is very forgiving.  Don’t have wine?  Double the stock.  Like beans a lot?  Add 2 cans.  I usually make 1/2 chicken sausage and 1/2 pork as Bill hates the chicken sausage.  I like to serve it with a salad and a spoon to make sure to get all the sauce!   Continue reading Sausage and Beans One Dish Dinner

Thanksgiving Table Settings


I usually use a mustard colored tablecloth for Thanksgiving but thought I would try something unexpected by using dark green.  I love the way the oranges really pop against the green tablecloth.  This was very inexpensive too.  Bought the gourds for $7 at Sunnycrest farm, picked the pine cones & bittersweet in the woods.  🙂  Continue reading Thanksgiving Table Settings

Manchester Half Marathon

Last week I did my 14th Half Marathon, at the Manchester Half Marathon.  It was the perfect day for a long run and I had a great time with my friends, Steve, Stacie, Myke, Shelly & Julie.  We hit the local pub for a quick brew after (needed those carbs!).  Then we all went to Myke’s to watch the Pats game.  I brought my Honey Hot wings and a Pitcher of my margaritas (with salt!).  Love replacing the electrolytes after a race!

manchester half marathon


Sunnycrest Apple Crisp


Sunnycrest is a local farm in my home town.  They open in June with Strawberry season and I shop there all summer long for the tomatoes, blueberries, corn, zucchini, amazing lettuce, the list goes on.  Then in the fall, I get their delicious apple cider and my favorite Gala apples.  They close the day before Thanksgiving, so I had to go Saturday to get another supply of apples.  You can also bake these in individual ramekins for a cute presentation.  Must be enjoyed with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream!  Continue reading Sunnycrest Apple Crisp

Lasagne Bolognese


This is the best lasagne recipe I have ever had.  It’s from one of my favorite cookbooks, Molto Italiano by my cooking idol, Mario Batali.  I <3 Mario!!!!  The Bolognese is amazing.  I always make a double batch of the Bolognese, serve it with Papperdelle noodles and then freeze the rest for Lasagne.  Must have a great glass of Chianti with it!  Continue reading Lasagne Bolognese

Surviving Hosting Thanksgiving Tips


Step 1:  Get lots of wine, Step 2:  Drink wine……………Kidding!

You can survive hosting Thanksgiving and enjoy yourself AND not be stressed.  How can you do that?  My tips on planning and organization is what you need!

Tip 1:  Start your plan early.  2-3 weeks before start thinking about the menu.  Now, before you come up with the menu you need to think about your oven.  Can you fit anything other than the turkey in your oven at the same time?  If not, anything else that needs to cook will have to be done in 30-45 minutes (while the turkey is resting).

Tip 2:  Focus on the turkey, stuffing & gravy. The most essential thing to a great Thanksgiving dinner is a well cooked turkey, great stuffing and good gravy.  No one really cares about anything else, so start your focus on that.  I make a lot of soup with the leftovers and a few years ago, I started buying a smaller turkey or turkey parts that I will cook on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I then make the gravy that day and have my extra turkey meat that I will need for my soups.  Making the gravy before the actual day is a great stress reliever and you can’t have too much turkey leftovers.

Tip 3:  Take others up on their request to bring something.  I am assuming you have invited your close friends & family over and they want to help (if they don’t maybe they should not be invited next year!  LOL).  Assign items that you either don’t feel like dealing with or are not your strong suit.  I for one, am happy to assign the pies to anyone willing!

Tip 4:  If it can be done before Thanksgiving…….do it!  Every possible task that can be done ahead of time, should be.  Polish your silver 2 weeks out, set your table Tuesday, put out all the serving bowls/pans, and utensils ahead of time.  I know this sounds type A, but I have all the platters on the buffet with a sticky that says the item with the serving spoon next to it.  Then, when it is time to go, you are ready and not scrambling around.  Scrambling=Bitchy Host/Hostess, no good!

Tip 5:  Do a Buffet, don’t do Family Style!  I finally convinced my Mom to do this a few years ago and she is sold now!  There are a lot of benefits to a buffet.  First, it is much faster, so everyone’s food will stay hot.  Second, there will be less platters to wash (yippee!!!).  If I am only using my dining room, I will move the kichten chairs to another room and set up the kitchen table as the buffet.  If I am using both the dining room and kitchen tables for dinner, I will set up a portable buffet table (you can get them at BJ’s or Costco for less than $100).  Refer to tip above and put your platters and serving utensils on it ahead of time!

Tip 6:  Have a master timer sheet.  I use an excel spreadsheet (I know, type A) that lists each item, what temp it has to be cooked at and what time it needs to be cooked.  There is nothing worse than cold food because you didn’t get the timing right.  Put this list together on Monday or Tuesday when you are relaxed and can really think it through.

Tip 7:  Have some munchies out when people arive.  Light some candles.  Have some tunes going, or the football game on.  Make some bloody mary’s or Mimosas.  First impressions last with your guests, if they arrive to a festive atmosphere, they will have a good time right away.

Tip 8:  The Turkey ALWAYS takes longer to cook than you think.  Put it in on the earlier side.  I have had days when people are literally hovering over the stove………not good!

Tip 9:  Start Thanksgiving doing a Turkey trot.  Even if you don’t run, there are a lot of walkers.  It is by far and away the best way to start the day.  I have a group of friends that  all do it and after we hit the local pub for a quick bloody.  Yes, I am enjoying a Bloody Mary at 10:00 AM (don’t judge me!) when I have 10 people coming over at 1:00 PM.  I can do this because I did everything ahead of time!